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Boiler Plus Legislation April 2018

From April 2018, an evolved set of boiler installation regulations which will be churned out across England. Known as the boiler plus legislation, the stipulations included mainly relate to energy efficiency. An awful lot of homes around England pay over the odds for their energy bills, simply because so much heat is wasted from their boiler. Therefore, authorities acted to changed that and help home owners out. Every single boiler installation after April 2018 will need to meet an ErP efficiency rating of 92% or higher. That’s a pretty lofty figure, considering around 30-percent of boilers currently being supplied don’t even come close to that.

Other than the demand to have a much higher efficiency rating, there’s also regulations which make certain things mandatory. For instance, new gas and oil boilers must come equipped with a thermostat and programme timer so the owner is able to manage heating temperatures. In addition, all owners must be given one additional energy-saving feature with their installation.

Authorities are envisioning a huge reduction in energy bills with the combination of greater efficiency and a compulsory energy-saving system. But, it may be a complex task to figure out which feature will best suit your needs, so we’re here to give you some assistance…

Additional Energy-Saving Features

So, when you go to purchase a new boiler after this legislation is introduced, you’ll be asked which energy-saving measure you want installed. You can only pick one, and there’s four available…

Weather Compensating Thermostat:

If you’re someone that loves having the heating blaring around your home, then this may be a sensible decision. A weather compensating thermostat has the capability to assess the temperature outside and adjust the radiator accordingly so that your boiler operates economically.

Flue Gas Heat Recovery System:

With the majority of modern boilers, this system will already be incorporated so it won’t cost any extra, but it’s a system that is very effective. It recycles any unused heat and processes it back through the boiler to be used again. Reports claim it can emit the same heat while consuming 4-percent less gas.

Smart Thermostat:

This one is geared towards the future and heavily utilizes the power of technology. It allows you to have complete control over your heating, even if you’re not present in the home. You can do this through an app on your smartphone and tablet, and it enables you to adjust the temperature, turn off the heating and schedule when it turns on.

Load Compensating Thermostat:

It’s all well and good having your heating on, but sometimes it’s just not necessary and it’s just burning money. So, with a load compensating thermostat, you can avoid having your temperature on full-blast when it’s not needed. But, it also pushes the temperature to rise when appropriate. Basically, it assesses how hot it is inside your home and adjusts accordingly.

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